Internship Report from Stockholm, Sweden
I have been working with the Climate Change and Risk Team at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) as an intern since February. I conduct research for my team and take part in various activities to gain a wide range of new experiences.
I attended the launch event for Pathways for Peace, the first report co-d by the World Bank and the United Nations on the prevention of violent conflict. There, I heard from panelists from the two institutions, including the report’s authors, about how to prevent and settle armed conflicts and the future challenges that may arise.
In mid-March, SIPRI held an all-staff meeting where I learned about the range of issues the institution deals with. A reception followed the meeting, where wine and cheese facilitated relaxed conversation among the staff on a diverse array of topics. Later in March, my team director, Dr. Malin Mobjörk, who is currently a visiting scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C., returned to Stockholm for a visit and held a team workshop. Although I am an intern, I was welcomed to join the gathering, and I had a wonderful time with the researchers on my team.
Stockholm paused for Easter vacation in late March, and I came back from the holidays refreshed and ready to jump back into my work. At the moment, I am assisting my team supervisor Dr. Amiera Sawas in a project as well as working on some research of my own. I will continue to strive for success throughout the remaining days of my internship.