2017 KF Gallery Open Stage 5:
Concert by Bolivian Guitarist Piraí Vaca
Bolivian classical guitarist Piraí Vaca will be the final musician to take the KF Gallery Open Stage in 2017, when he performs a variety of colorful numbers from Argentina, Spain, Cuba, and Britain on October 26 at 7 p.m. Internationally recognized as one of Latin America’s finest guitarists, Vaca has been honored with the National Prize for Music in Bolivia, awarded by the Association of Writers, Plastic Artists, and Musicians. The exhibition Mother Earth “Pachamama” Colors and the Andean Cosmovision will be held concurrently with the performance, offering a fabulous opportunity to savor the culture and art of Bolivia.
- Application Period: October 16 (2 p.m.)–October 19 (6 p.m.)
- How to apply: Visit the KF homepage (www.kf.or.kr), go to “KF Global Center,” then click on “Ongoing Program.”
- Attendees will be announced on October 20 from 3 p.m.