2017 KF Gallery Open Stage 3: Cantemus Children’s Choir of Hungary KF Gallery will be presenting its third Open Stage on April 14. In cooperation with the Hungarian Embassy in Korea, the Open Stage will feature the Cantemus Children’s Choir, which is world-famous for its beautiful and clear vocal harmony. Founded in 1975, the choir is made up of female students of the Kodály Zoltán Primary School in Nyiregyháza, Hungary. Trained with the Kodály music teaching method, the girls take great pride in creating unrivaled ensemble through a diverse repertoire ranging from Hungarian classics, including Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály, to contemporary music. The choir will perform pieces by Bartók. All interested persons are encouraged to attend. Application period: April 3 (2 p.m.)–April 6 (6 p.m.). How to apply: Visit the KF homepage (www.kf.or.kr), go to “KF Global Center,” then click on “Ongoing Program.” Attendees will be announced April 7 (after 3 p.m.).