...and exchange of immersive digital content based on new technologies. 2023 ...KF XR Gallery that foster global cultural exchanges, utilizing interactive...
...g immersive technology to digital content, XR renders information through ...KF XR Gallery that foster global cultural exchanges, utilizing interactive...
...," and the global rise of Korean cultural influence-not merely as singular...d digital technologies, immersive content, and media art to transcend the ...
...력 Cooperation : 주한프랑스대사관 문화과 The Cultural service of the French Embassy in...ition presents VR and interactive content through which viewers can virtua...
...n culture. It included lectures, cultural experience programs and a film s...seful and Mysterious Brunei” 2. Cultural Experience for Kids to get to kn...
...n culture. It included lectures, cultural experience programs and a film s...ful and Mysterious Cambodia” 2. Cultural Experience for Kids to get to kn...
...ation produces a variety of video content on Korea-related subjects in for...worldwide viewers and to enhance cultural exchange between Korea and the w...
...nstead, convergence represents a cultural shift as consumers are encourage...connections among dispersed media content.)”이라 할 수 있다. 이 같은 작품 생산 방식에서는 예술...