... Full-time English Copy Editor The Korea Foundation is seeking a native or... For further information about the Korea Foundation, please visit http://e...
...ning] Full-time English Editor The Korea Foundation is seeking a native or... For further information about the Korea Foundation, please visit http://w...
The Korea Foundation is seeking a native or native-level English speaker fo... For further information about the Korea Foundation, please visit http://w...
...dean of its School of Humanities. After long hoping for a chance to see Korea, Rector Imomov's patience has been rewarded with a recent visit (March 7-13), during which time he eagerly pursued the implementation ...
...) April 5 – June 2, 2019 Host: The Korea Foundation / The ASEAN Culture Ho...ibition (“Korea in ASEAN, ASEAN in Korea”), my friends and I have multiple...
미국 시애틀 동양박물관이 운영하는 인터넷 한국실에서는 특별전시, “Explore Korea: A Visit to Grandfather's House”를 소개하고 있다. “Explore Korea”는 시애틀 동양박물관이 기획한 ‘한국의 해 (1999.10~2000.10)...
People > 키르기스스탄 비슈케크에서 키르기스스탄 비슈케크에서 백태현(키르기스스탄 중앙아시아 한국대 객원교수) (Korea Institute of Centeral Asia in Kyrgystan, KF Visiting Professor, Taehyun Baek)...