...e Diary 2015-2018 국립현대미술관, 도쿄국립신미술관 제작지원 ⓒ임흥순x모모세 아야 Supported by the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea (MMCA) and the National Art Cent...
...e invited to engage with the Korean art institutions such as the Seoul Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, the National Museum of Korea, the Leeum Museum of Art...
...n Foundatioin 소마미술관 Seoul Olympic Museum of Art 서울문화재단 Seoul Foundation fo...ngs. Additional works that hint at Korea and France's contemporary perspec...
... an Explorer-in-Residence at the National Geographic Society, said: “Luis ...most authentic. In contrast to contemporary so ciety, in which rapid cons...