...ty.” 프로그램 구성 프롤로그 Prologue 아세안 소개 Introduction of ASEAN 아세안의 인사 ASEAN Greetings 1막 환희의 열 가지 그림자 The Ten Shades of Joy 개별공연 Countries' Performances 1...
...plomatic Relations between Korea and Canada. I want to say my sincere greetings to Amb. H.E. Tamara MAWHINNEY(타마라 모휘니), Mr. Victor Lee(빅터 리), Repres...
... Diplomat Fellowship Program this year. I also want to say my sincere greetings to the honourable ambassadors from Tajikistan, Myanmar, Bangladesh, ...
...ationally renowned and influential Polish artist. I extend my sincere greetings and gratitude to Amb. Piotr Ostaszewski (피오트르 오스타셰프스키) of the Republ...
How will the COVID-19 pandemic change our world order? What models and technologies are Korea and other countries using to respond to COVID-19? How ca...
.... 이를 통해 아세안 국가들의 다양한 언어를 확인하고 이해하는 시간이 되길 바랍니다. This issue introduces greetings from the 10 ASEAN member countries. Take a moment to check out and l...