검색어 "Arts and Culture"에 대한 검색결과 "총 178건"

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[20240315/환영사/영문] AAS KF Reception 환영사 2024.08.01
...rea Foundation Good evening, ladies and gentlemen: I am Gheewhan Kim, Pres...ed on new demands for exchanges in arts and culture, science and technolog...
한국국제교류재단 > 이사장소개 > 이사장 연설문
[20230629/개회사/영문] 주한캐나다대사관 협력전시 '모두의 어떤 차이' 2024.08.01
.... KF Gallery Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, I’m Gheewhan Kim,...ght side of history together. From arts and culture, cuisine, natural beau...
한국국제교류재단 > 이사장소개 > 이사장 연설문
2024 파리올림픽 계기 KF XR 갤러리 기획전 <메타 시티: 서울-파리> 개최 2024.04.25
...of Art 서울문화재단 Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture 2024년 파리 올림픽 계기 KF XR ..., and the Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture. Among them, the VR works ...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
[20230317/환영사/영문] AAS KF Reception 환영사 2024.08.01
...rea Foundation Good evening, ladies and gentlemen: I am Gheewhan Kim, Pres...ect areas based on new demands for arts and culture and science and techno...
한국국제교류재단 > 이사장소개 > 이사장 연설문
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 105건)
[EN] [분청사기 온라인 특별전_Highlight #7] Buncheong Jar with Sgraffito Peony and Fish Design 2021.04.16

[EN] [분청사기 온라인 특별전_Highlight #7] Buncheong Jar with Sgraffito Peony <font color='red'>and</font> Fish Design

... Buncheong Jar with Sgraffito Peony and Fish Design / Latter half of 15th ... Together with Gana Foundation for Arts and Culture, which is leading the ...
한국국제교류재단 > 아츠미디어
[EN] [분청사기 온라인 특별전_Highlight #3] Three Handled Buncheong Jar with Stamped Design and Inscription of 2021.04.19

[EN] [분청사기 온라인 특별전_Highlight #3] Three Handled Buncheong Jar with Stamped Design <font color='red'>and</font> Inscription of

...d Buncheong Jar with Stamped Design and Inscription of “Milyang Jangheungg... Together with Gana Foundation for Arts and Culture, which is leading the ...
한국국제교류재단 > 아츠미디어
[EN] [분청사기 온라인 특별전_Highlight #2] Turtle Shaped Buncheong Bottle with Stamped Design 2021.04.19

[EN] [분청사기 온라인 특별전_Highlight #2] Turtle Shaped Buncheong Bottle with Stamped Design

...uty of buncheong-sagi from the past and present appreciated online” The Ko... Together with Gana Foundation for Arts and Culture, which is leading the ...
한국국제교류재단 > 아츠미디어
[EN] [분청사기 온라인 특별전_Highlight #1] Buncheong Bottle with Inlaid Fish Design 2021.04.19

[EN] [분청사기 온라인 특별전_Highlight #1] Buncheong Bottle with Inlaid Fish Design

...uty of buncheong-sagi from the past and present appreciated online” The Ko... Together with Gana Foundation for Arts and Culture, which is leading the ...
한국국제교류재단 > 아츠미디어

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