...n for Celebrating the Establishment of the Korea Foundation Curatorship Fu...latory Remarks Amb. KIM Gheewhan President of the Korea Foundation Good af...
The 2023 KF Korean Language and Culture Program for Diplomats Welcoming Cer...ng Remarks By Amb. KIM Gheewhan, President of the Korea Foundation March 8...
...Workshop for Overseas Curators Monday, September 2, 12:00–14:00 / Korea Press Center Welcome Luncheon Amb. KIM Gheewhan President, The Korea Foundation Good afternoon, I welcome all of you to 2024 K...
...oming Remarks Amb. Gheewhan Kim, President, The Korea Foundation Friday, M...undbreaking Forum in Austin, Texas, the home of the Silicon Hills. Thank y...
...l Seoul, Konjiam Resort ● Host:The Korea Foundation Panel 1 The Role of Mi... ● Moderator: Jin PARK(Executive President, The Asia Future Institute) ● P...
The Sixth Korea Foundation Global Seminar ● Theme: Middle Powers and Public... ● Opening Remarks: Hyun-seok YU(President, The Korea Foundation) ● Congra...
...ition) April 5 – June 2, 2019 Host: The Korea Foundation / The ASEAN Cultu...원 공모전 영상 부문 KF이사장장상(최우수상) - 베트남의 정/ The Gold Prize (KF President Prize) Wi...
...? What models and technologies are Korea and other countries using to resp...ization? To answer these questions, the Korea Foundation (KF) is pleased t...