...내용 저는 7월에 총 2개의 프로그램에 참여했습니다. 첫 프로그램은 ‘Currents of Change: Redefining Cultural Diplomacy for the Future We Need'을 주제로 한 art program이었습니다.프로그램 전에는 참가자들 nameta...
...han-woo Korea Foundation to host cultural project to offer glimpse of Pers...n that has been promoting public diplomacy under the Ministry of Foreign A...
...ening Ceremony of the 6th Public Diplomacy Week Understand Avenue (Seongsu...20 participating Embassies and 2 Cultural Institutes; the Bid Committee fo...
...nt historical, economic, social, cultural and other featuresof one or anot... for Central Asia for Preventive Diplomacy» was adopted. Counter-Terrorism...
... Theme: Middle Powers and Public Diplomacy: Building a Network for the Glo...EN(Secretary General, The Danish Cultural Institute) Philip SEIB(Professor...
...-Theme: Middle Powers and Public Diplomacy: Building a Network for the Glo...EN(Secretary General, The Danish Cultural Institute) Pal HATOS(General Dir...
...연합체인 글로벌 공공외교 네트워크(Global Public Diplomacy Network: GPDNet) 총회가 10월 19일(목)...습니다. 총회의 승인을 통해 카타르 문화재단 (Katara Cultural Village Foundation)이 GPDNet의 열 한...
...기관들의 모임인 공공외교 네트워크(Global Public Diplomacy Network: GPDNet) 제2차 총회를 2015년 ...아(국립문화개발원 National Institute for Cultural Orientation), 헝가리(발라시 인스티튜트 Bala...