검색어 "Buncheong"에 대한 검색결과 "총 17건"

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미국 메트로폴리탄박물관 분청사기 특별전 2011.04.06
...최되는 이번 전시(Poetry in Clay: Korean Buncheong Ceramics from the Leeum, Samsun... ㅇ 전 시 명: Poetry in Clay: Korean Buncheong Ceramics from the Leeum, Samsun...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
Суть корейской эстетики – древние и современные керамические изделия «пунчхон» 2020.10.07
Ancient and Modern Buncheong-sagiThe beauty of buncheong ware from the past and present appreciated online
한국국제교류재단 > 모스크바 > 공지사항
Buncheong-sagi aus der alten und modernen Zeit 2020.10.07
온라인에서 느끼는 고금 분청사기의 아름다움
한국국제교류재단 > 베를린 > 공지사항
샌프란시스코 KF Korean Culture Day 2016.02.29
...코 동양박물관(Asian Art Museum)에서 재단이 지원하는 분청사기 특별전시(Poetry in Clay: Korean Buncheong Ceramics from the Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art)와 재단 창립 20주년을 기념하는 한국...
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[EN] [분청사기 온라인 특별전_Highlight #2] Turtle Shaped Buncheong Bottle with Stamped Design 2021.04.19

[EN] [분청사기 온라인 특별전_Highlight #2] Turtle Shaped <font color='red'>Buncheong</font> Bottle with Stamped Design

...반 / 21 x 10.5(h)cm Turtle-Shaped Buncheong Bottle with Stamped Design / Fi... / 21 x 10.5(h)cm “The beauty of buncheong-sagi from the past and present ...
한국국제교류재단 > 아츠미디어
[EN] [분청사기 온라인 특별전_Highlight #7] Buncheong Jar with Sgraffito Peony and Fish Design 2021.04.16

[EN] [분청사기 온라인 특별전_Highlight #7] <font color='red'>Buncheong</font> Jar with Sgraffito Peony and Fish Design

...란어문호 / 조선 15세기 후반 / 21x30.2(h)cm Buncheong Jar with Sgraffito Peony and Fi...eon /21x30.2(h)cm “The beauty of buncheong-sagi from the past and present ...
한국국제교류재단 > 아츠미디어
[EN] [분청사기 온라인 특별전_Highlight #3] Three Handled Buncheong Jar with Stamped Design and Inscription of 2021.04.19

[EN] [분청사기 온라인 특별전_Highlight #3] Three Handled <font color='red'>Buncheong</font> Jar with Stamped Design and Inscription of

...반 / 17.5x16.5(h)cm Three-Handled Buncheong Jar with Stamped Design and Ins... 17.5x16.5 (h) cm “The beauty of buncheong-sagi from the past and present ...
한국국제교류재단 > 아츠미디어
[EN] [분청사기 온라인 특별전_Highlight #1] Buncheong Bottle with Inlaid Fish Design 2021.04.19

[EN] [분청사기 온라인 특별전_Highlight #1] <font color='red'>Buncheong</font> Bottle with Inlaid Fish Design

...기상감어문병 / 조선 15세기 전반 / 17x27(h)cm Buncheong Bottle with Inlaid Fish Design/...seon / 17x27(h)cm “The beauty of buncheong-sagi from the past and present ...
한국국제교류재단 > 아츠미디어
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